Our Mission

Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and sanctuary of wild and gentled horses, particularly those suffering from abuse or  neglect, or in danger of shipping to slaughter. Founded in 1997, our organization focuses on saving mustangs, burros, and other equines, providing them with a safe and natural environment to heal and thrive. Lifesavers works to preserve the spirit of wild horses by offering a natural habitat sanctuary where they can roam free located in Caliente, California. Our programs also include gentling, training, and educational outreach to encourage responsible equine care and advocacy.

our financials and policies

Audited Financials Our audited financials are prepared by an independent accountant.

990 Our 990 is prepared by an independent accountant.

IRS letter

whistle blower policy

document retention and destruction policy

privacy policy

Compensation process for our top management officials: The board of directors reviews the compensation of all high-level personnel. Compensation data from industry sources are used in order to determine the competitiveness and appropriateness of salaries.​